Eyebrow and Beard Transplantation

Beard Transplantation

There may be various hormonal problems in the hair in the beard area or there may be deficiency or irregularity due to the lack of hair follicles in that area. Such situations can be solved by beard cultivation. Beard cultivation is one of the most effective solutions in the treatment of the root. Roots taken from the nape in the beard plantation, the area of beard is planted in the natural angle of the designated area. Beard problems in the beard area, wound or surgical scarring, ringworm or other causes of beard problems due to shedding can be solved by beard cultivation.

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrows are sensitive because of their nature, so they can be damaged of false eyebrow intake, skin diseases or burns. They may become infrequent. For adding eyebrow, hair roots taken from nasal and added to eyebrows. The region of the eyebrow adding zone can be adjusted by the supplier.